

We're committed to creating a cleaner energy future that builds upon our responsibility to provide the safe, 可靠和经济的银河官网,改善我们客户的生活.

We're reduced electric utility emission by nearly one-third since 2005 through the addition of renewables and natural gas retirement of aging coal plants. 我们的天然气公用事业公司报告称,自2022年以来,排放量减少了27%, 在实现2035年净零排放目标方面取得了重大进展.


We have committed to achieving net zero emissions for our natural gas distribution system by 2035. 我们已经取得了重大进展, 自2022年以来,报告排放量减少27%, and we are excited to provide updates on our key strategies to achieve this goal. 


In 2022, 我们为天然气配送系统设定了到2035年实现净零排放的目标, 充分利用公司对安全和系统完整性的关注, while advancing current strategies to include expanded damage prevention and advanced leak detection. Our comprehensive strategic timeline outlines the three implementation phases used to achieve this target.


管道替换: We’re continuing to replace all remaining unprotected steel pipe with lower emitting materials, 包括塑料和保护钢. Our Integrity Plans detail the timeline and priority to complete unprotected steel pipeline replacements by 2035. 

扩展的泄漏检测: 通过从我们的系统中收集详细的排放数据, 我们可以找到新的减排机会. 除了我们常规的全系统泄漏测量之外, we conduct additional leak surveys of our aboveground natural gas equipment to help determine fugitive emissions from our system. 

我们将继续扩大这些调查, 包括地理位置和旋转频率, 使我们能够迅速解决泄漏问题. 

伤害预防: 我们的企业目标是将第三方产品的点击率降低到1.5(或以下)命中每1,000 excavations (HPT) will be achieved through the expansion of excavation site visits, 预测分析与风险建模,以确定高风险地点, 对员工的持续关注, 客户和系统安全.


进一步预防损害: 通过瞄准同类中最好的第三方伤害线命中, 我们将进一步减少系统气体排放.

追求先进的监测和泄漏检测(AMLD): Systems can detect low concentrations of natural gas leaks and be paired with aerial mapping abilities to pinpoint leak locations. The ability to survey large portions of a system quickly and precisely allows natural gas operators to prioritize repairs based on magnitude, 分析整个系统的趋势, 继续提高运行的安全性和可靠性.


整合低碳燃料: We will continue to advance low carbon fuels such as 可再生天然气 by expanding RNG blending on our system and obtaining the certifications for the emission displacement.

利用碳补偿额度: Quantifiable and certified offsets can be used to displace a balance of emissions from sources such as 可再生银河官网 development, 避免和销毁垃圾填埋场的甲烷, 银河官网效率, 改善林业管理.



We have continued to achieve progress towards our goal to reduce electric utility emission intensity 40% by 2030 and 70% by 2040, 自2005年以来已经减少了近三分之一的排放量. 我们将继续投资于运营改进的战略, 可再生银河官网, 以及进一步减少我们对环境影响的新技术, 负责任的银河官网转型. Our owned and purchased power capacity from 可再生银河官网 and storage will double by 2030, 占我们产能资源的近一半.




We're transitioning to a cleaner energy future through the addition of low or zero-carbon generation sources and fossil fuel plant retirements or conversions. Our preferred resource plan in Colorado proposes to add 400 MW of 可再生银河官网 and battery storage by 2030. 我们将为实现温室气体减排目标做好准备, 不依赖未来的技术, through the conversion of Neil Simpson II coal plant to include natural gas as a dual fuel unit, conversion or retirement of our remaining coal and diesel power plants and the addition of 可再生银河官网 resources and storage.



A key strategy to achieving our GHG reduction goals is to own and operate 可再生银河官网. Over the past decade we have added 202 MW of owned and operated wind generation capacity across our service territory. 

此外公司拥有并经营可再生银河官网, we leverage PPAs to meet customer's needs and help achieve our GHG reduction goals. 

Our first large-scale solar PPA, Fall River 太阳能, was brought online in 2023. 这个80兆瓦的项目位于奥尔里奇附近, 南达科塔州, will be used to serve our customers throughout western 南达科塔州 and eastern 怀俄明. 

Our total renewable portfolio of owned and contracted 可再生银河官网 represents 29% of our generation capacity and helps to achieve our GHG reduction goals and serve our customers’ needs.



1. 29兆瓦:布希牧场

Busch Ranch I provided an opportunity to develop a sixth 可再生银河官网 zone in Colorado as part of SB-100. This 可再生银河官网 zone enabled further opportunities to develop Bush Ranch II and Peak View, 风电项目. This project supports Colorado's goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with retail electric sales 80% by 2030 as compared to 2005.

2. 59.4兆瓦:布希牧场2

2019年竣工, 这个风力发电厂为28人供电,000 homes and is a milestone in achieving 30% 可再生银河官网 for our Colorado customers.


3. 60.8兆瓦:峰值视图

Located in southern Colorado, Peak View serves more than 94,000 customers. 这个设施是以西班牙山峰的景色命名的.


4. 52.5mw: Corriedale

我们最新的可再生银河官网设施位于夏延附近的国王牧场, 怀俄明, 属于南达科他州和怀俄明州的电力公司吗, and has the highest energy produced per MW of capacity to date for our wind facilities. 这个设施是以“Corriedale”羊命名的, a tribute to King Ranch’s role in the development of the 怀俄明 sheep industry. Corriedale was strategically located in southeast 怀俄明 to capitalize on one of the highest 风能 density concentrations in the country.



5. 60兆瓦:普拉特河电力局春峡谷风

6. 30兆瓦:杜克银河官网银色安全风

7. 30兆瓦:杜克银河官网快乐杰克风

8. 4兆瓦:斯皮尔菲什水电城

9. 80兆瓦:福尔河太阳能

10. 106兆瓦:圆屋可再生银河官网风能

