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Reliability Upgrade for Southern Colorado

To maintain reliable delivery of power and meet current and future demand from customers, 南科罗拉多州的可靠性升级将确保可靠的电力-现在和未来-通过从普韦布洛西部延伸到Cañon城市的输电线路和普韦布洛西部的三个新变电站升级我们的基础设施, Penrose and Cañon City.

该输电线路将增强现有电网的完整性,继续银河官网网址提供安全, 可靠的银河官网,并通过大大减少服务损失的机会,为它所经过的每个社区的经济发展和繁荣银河官网网址提供动力, 提高系统的整体可靠性,并为未来的增长银河官网网址提供额外的能力.


Upgrade Description

Supporting growing demand and reliability

我们始终如一地评估我们的系统,以寻找可能影响我们银河官网网址提供的电力服务的可靠性或安全性的因素. Age and capacity are two core factors. 持续的增长和对额外基础设施的需求,以服务像普韦布洛西部这样的社区, Penrose and Cañon City, 推动这个项目是为了确保我们地区繁荣所需的可靠电力服务的银河官网网址提供吗. In the last few years, 仅Pueblo West就创造了有史以来的系统峰值负载,并经历了48%的负载增长, meaning we’re close to having more demand than ability to deliver electricity. In Penrose and Cañon City, if service on our one transmission line is interrupted, customers in those communities could experience a total loss of power.

Reliability is key

我们从南科罗拉多州的客户调查中得知,澳门银河官网网址公司的客户非常关心可靠性. 我们的最终目标是高效地银河官网网址提供最可靠的银河官网,我们在做出所有商业决策时都考虑到成本效益. The Reliability Upgrade delivers on our mission to provide the reliable, safe and clean energy that our Southern Colorado communities need to thrive and grow.


Increasing reliability for Southern Colorado

This upgrade will reduce the risk of overload, 防止现在的总功率损耗,并为将来升级现有配电线路创造机会, without interrupting power to homes and businesses.

Plus, 可靠的电力服务是南科罗拉多州经济增长和社区繁荣的重要驱动力. 布莱克山很自豪能够银河官网网址提供可靠的银河官网,这对推动和发展该地区的新业务至关重要,并银河官网网址支持和维持Cañon城市市中心振兴等努力.

Transmission Line

Selecting a route is a complex process and we balanced local, 物理和技术限制,目标是为每个社区银河官网网址提供改进的可靠性和容量. Throughout this process, 澳门银河官网网址公司已经探索了客户建议的各种潜在路线和方法, including undergrounding the line.

我们发现,将地铁线置于地下可能会使该项目的成本增加近1800万美元, reducing the projected customer cost savings from the Renewable Advantage solar facility, so this option was not pursued. Other routes we looked at either impacted more landowners, disturbed more land or were more expensive, which is why we presented this route, with the adjustments to accommodate customer input, to the Pueblo County and Fremont County Commissioners.

这条输电线将从现有的西变电站开始,向西北方向穿过普韦布洛西地铁区指定的公用事业走廊,直到遇到现有的天然气管道地役权. 然后,输电线路沿着管道地役权向北转,进入弗里蒙特县, and proceeds on to Fort Carson Property. 这条输电线路与西部地区电力局(WAPA)在卡森堡的230千伏线路相遇,并在输电线路进入彭罗斯时短暂地跟随它. 输电线路随后在自愿土地所有者地役权上“阶梯”向北,然后重新加入并遵循WAPA线路的剩余路线. By following these easements and utility corridors, we’re able to minimize our impacts in several ways:

  • First, 我们更换了现有的电线杆,以适应整个普韦布洛西部的新电路,除了野马溪公用事业走廊的两个小区域需要新的电线杆. This means that 60 of the 80 poles needed in Pueblo West for the transmission line replaced an existing pole that’s in place today; this reduces the number of properties in Pueblo West that otherwise would experience some view obstruction.
  • 其次,通过使用野马溪地役权,我们没有创造任何新的土地干扰区域.

南科罗拉多州的可靠性升级将从我们在普韦布洛的现有西变电站输送电力, 两个新的变电站位于Penrose的115街和K街的交叉处以及Cañon市的Hogback以西, and a substation in the industrial park of Pueblo West.


Safety is our first priority

Our number one priority is always public safety, employee safety and contractor safety. 我们会定期巡逻,以维持缆线的畅通,并减低火警或其他意外的风险. Plus, 我们会积极训练前线人员,让他们了解消防安全,以及我们的黑山重大事件和事故应变计划, to ensure we can respond quickly and efficiently.

Black Hills will operate the transmission line in accordance with all local, state and federal requirements.

Partnering with the Community

Throughout the process we listened carefully and responded to landowner concerns. 我们的路权代理人几乎敲遍了沿途的每一扇门,直接与土地所有者交谈. Based on what we heard, we removed the route from 12 neighbors’ backyards, 通过重新安置卡森堡控制的联邦土地上的部分输电线路. In another area, 我们用了六英里多一点的电线穿过了一个只有三英里长的区域,以尽量减少对那些慷慨地银河官网网址提供地役权的土地所有者的影响. 正如承诺的那样,最终的输电线路路线是通过100%的自愿地役权获得的. We acknowledge that voluntary does not mean that everyone agrees with this route. It does mean, 然而,那些在他们的财产上设置这条线的人是在行使他们的私有财产权利. 我们感谢弗里蒙特和普韦布洛县的居民,他们与我们一起努力找到了一条道路. 


Upgrade Schedule



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