Fire up the grill and get ready for a safe summer

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If nothing makes you happier than lighting up the grill on a summer evening, 放心,你不是一个人. In the United States, nearly 20% of people grill several times a week. 谁又能责怪他们呢? What smells better than a juicy steak on the grill? Or some garden veggies splashed with olive oil and sprinkled with spices?

Throw in some good conversation while the grill does its magic, and you’ve got a perfect summer evening. 

While most of us focus on the yummy food coming off our grill, you’ll be happy to know that grilling is also a great energy saver. 是的,你没看错. When you don’t power up your oven, you’re saving energy and lowering your energy costs. 事实上, cooking in your home during the hot summer months puts two of the biggest energy-consuming appliances—your oven and air conditioner—to work.

Grilling also comes with the added bonus of being a relatively healthy way to cook. Grease in grilled meats drips away during the grilling process, lowering fat and calories. You can also stick with lean meats like fish, chicken and lean cuts of beef and pork to keep calorie and fat intake down. 腌制肉类 before grilling has also shown to be of benefit. 另外,它很好吃.

不要忘了蔬菜. Garden vegetables such as zucchini, sweet potatoes and corn on the cob are delicious grilling choices. Sliced up potatoes tossed in olive oil with onions, peppers and spices also make for an easy grilling option that goes great with any grilled meats.

It’s also fun to accent your grilled meats with toppings and sides. Take for instance this recipe from our Black Hills Energy Service Guard Cookbook. This mango salsa is a summery mix of sweet mangos, spicy jalapeños and tart lime. It’s wonderful on top of grilled chicken, pork and fish.


Now that we’ve established that grilling is awesome, it’s important to remember the fire risks that can come from grilling. 只要你和火打交道, 尤其是在炎热的时候, 干天, it’s critical to keep fire safety in mind. The last thing you want is to turn a restful summer evening into a stressful fire situation.

Here are just a few fire-safety tips to consider when you’re grilling this summer.

  • Only grill outside and keep the grill at least 3 feet from siding and deck rails.
  • Wear appropriate clothes when grilling. Avoid long sleeves or pieces of materials that dangle and can catch fire easily.
  • Keep a spray bottle and a fire extinguisher handy.
  • Always open your gas grill before lighting it.
  • 永远不要离开你的烤架. Keep a 关闭 eye on it whenever it’s lit.
  • Clean your grill with a brush after each use to remove grease.
  • If you’re using a charcoal grill, put the coals into a metal can once they have cooled. 

那么,你还在等什么? Get that grill out, whip up a mango salsa and throw on some delicious- marinated chicken. Settle into the patio chairs while your supper cooks and enjoy your time with family and friends. It will make for the perfect summer evening, and you’ll be saving energy as a bonus. 有什么理由不去爱呢?



  • 3-4 large, ripe mangos; diced
  • 1 large red bell pepper; diced
  • 1/2 cup red onion; diced
  • 1-2 jalapeños; diced
  • 3/4 cup cilantro; chopped
  • 1个青柠汁
  • 盐的味道


  1. 把芒果皮剥掉. Cut the fruit off the flat pit and cut into cubes. 将芒果块放入大碗中.
  2. Clean and remove the seeds from the red bell pepper and dice. 加入碗中.
  3. 红洋葱去皮切丁. Add ½ cup of the diced onion to the bowl.
  4. Clean the seeds and ribs out of the jalapeños and dice them into small pieces. If you like heat, then you can leave some of the ribs and some seeds in the jalapeños. 加入碗中.
  5. Chop the cilantro and add to the bowl.
  6. Squeeze the juice from the limes and add to the bowl.
  7. 混合均匀,并加入盐调味.
  8. 享受!!


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