Fall hacks to prep your home 和 simplify your busy routine

炎炎夏日或许依然炙手可热, but before we know it the leaves will be changing, 早晨会很清爽. Fall brings cooler weather, cozy blankets, 和 the challenge of getting everyone back into a routine. It’s time to change gears 和 start preparing your home for fall.

Planning for the seasonal shift doesn’t have to be stressful. Taking the time to prepare now means you can reduce stress 和 relax during the chilly months. To make the transition easier try these hacks to get ready in no time.

Make the most out of your 在线账户 portal.

There are many great tools to take advantage of in your 在线账户. Here are a few that will make your life easier.

  • 探索省钱的方法. 探索省钱的方法 by checking on potential rebates, or registering for our 预算计费程序. With Budget Billing, we make your bills more predictable by averaging the amount you pay each month. That way, you can avoid spikes in your bill caused by seasonal changes in how much energy you use.
  • 轻松付账. Making payments is a breeze in your 在线账户. Just login 和 you’re able to quickly pay your bill. 更好的是,设置 自动支付 for one less task you to have to think about doing each month.
  • 记录你使用了多少银河官网. 花一分钟时间了解一下你的银河官网使用情况. 天然气价格高于正常水平, anything you can do to cut usage 和 costs is a good thing. Do you see times when your energy usage is higher than others? You can use that info to do a little energy efficiency work around the house.



有些事情很简单, like making sure the kids aren’t stacking shoes on heating vents 和 leaving the front door slightly ajar. Here are more ways to be more mindful of your energy usage.

  • 提前准备好饭菜. 忙着回学校和工作, it might seem more convenient to grab lunch during your break, or send your children with money to buy lunch at school. Making your meals ahead of time can save time 和 money, 减少压力和对做什么的困惑, 尽量减少食物浪费. 
  • 进行炉膛检查. Fall is a great time to sign up for a furnace inspection to make sure your appliance is running efficiently. 看看你是否有资格 服务守护. Get peace of mind knowing that if your selected appliances stop functioning, you’re covered.
  • 密封漏水的门窗. 首页 insulation 和 weatherization is vital for saving energy in your home by ensuring there are no air leaks in your home. Your heating system will work overtime if warm air is escaping from any cracks or broken seals. 学习如何正确密封和绝缘, 遵循以下指南.
  • 用LED灯泡代替普通灯泡. LED bulbs use about 20-25 percent of the energy in your home, 和 lasts up to 25 times longer than traditional inc和escent bulbs.
  • 使用智能恒温器. Watch this video for recommendations on how you can save energy 和 money when using a programmable thermostat. 点击这里阅读更多




Fall is a great time to take care of your yard 和 plant a tree to reduce energy consumption. as we move from one season to the next, don’t forget to give your yard a little tender loving care.


  • Cut back flowers like lilies, columbine, peony, 和 hostas. 不过别把剪刀弄得太乱了. Some perennials, including echinacea, sedum, cosmos, 和 zinnias, should NOT be cut back. 看看 这个列表 for more on which perennials need a haircut 和 which don’t.  
  • 耙落叶. 不,这不仅仅是审美问题. Untended leaves could potentially smother your lawn which you most definitely don’t want. So, get raking 和 use those leaves in your compost pile.  
  • 剪短你的草. Gradually lower your mower cutting deck as you cut your lawn in the months leading to winter. Shorter grass keeps the critters from making your lawn a winter home.
  • 为春天的花朵种植球茎. This includes hyacinth, daffodils, crocus, 和 tulips. But before you start digging away to plant the bulbs, make sure you aren’t in danger of hitting a line or pipe.
  • 记住安全挖掘. August 11 is National 811 Day, a great time to reacquaint yourself with the need to 挖之前先打811, whether for flower bulbs, trees, or a new watering system.


There you have it — your action plan for the coming fall 和 winter. With these few easy steps, you’ll be ready for fall 和 winter before you know it.

Stay up to date 和 learn more ways to save money 和 energy by following us on social media. 脸谱网Instagram, LinkedIn 和 推特.



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