7 tips to prep your house for summer

A lot of us have spent the past few weeks in our yards planting flowers, trimming trees and wondering what to do when that cute baby bunny is big enough to raid the garden.

After a long winter, prepping the yard for summer can feel more like play than work. All of our focus is outside, which is understandable, but don’t forget your home. Getting your house ready for summer is just as important as your yard and especially important this year with forecasts predicting a 炎热干燥的夏天.

So how does a person get their house in summer shape? Check out these ideas to get started.

1. 保持凉爽: You’ll rely heavily on your air conditioner this summer, so don’t forget to give it some love. 安排空调巡检 to ensure everything is running properly. An efficient appliance equals lower energy costs and improved reliability.

2. 服务警卫计划:报名参加 服务警卫计划 电器保险. With appliance costs on a rise this summer, an appliance repair plan can help you avoid a costly replacement. We like to think of it as peace of mind in a plan.

3. 管理您的网上帐户: If you haven’t done so already, 设置你的在线账户 在客户门户中. Then set up your automatic payments. How does that prepare your house for summer, you might ask? OK, this one is more for you actually. Setting up an auto payment frees up your time so you can spend more time at the lake and less time at the table paying bills.

4. 监测银河官网使用情况: Your customer portal allows you to 监控你的银河官网使用情况, offering you a real-time look at what in your home is using the most energy. You can then adjust to save money.

5. 不要错过警报: With summer comes thunderstorms, hail and other severe weather systems. 设置联系方式 in your customer portal so you receive timely, accurate alerts in the case of emergencies like power outages.

6. Be prepared for summer storms: Consider putting together an emergency kit with flashlights, a battery-powered weather radio, 额外的电池, 不需要保质期的食物, 瓶装水, 急救箱, 毯子, 额外的衣服和鞋子, information about prescriptions and other health issues and important papers. If the power goes out or you have to leave your home in a rush due to weather, 一个工具箱将是一个救星. 更多风暴安全提示.

7.Think energy efficiency and sustainable living: 开始加入一些 银河官网效益措施 right now before the weather turns hot. With predictions of an especially hot summer and higher than normal energy costs, finding ways to save energy will mean extra money in your bank and a lighter burden on Mother Earth.

Here are just a few energy saving tips:

  • Change the direction of your ceiling fans to rotate counterclockwise in the summer to push cooler air down.
  • Keep blinds, shades and drapes 关闭d during the hottest part of the day.
  • Lower your water heater temperature setting a few degrees to save energy. Reducing your water heater temperature to under 120 degrees can save you up to 10% on your water heater costs.
  • 使用一个 可编程恒温器 to automatically raise the thermostat setting at least five degrees when no one is home; 85 degrees is ideal. A smart thermostat can save on average up to 15% off your energy bill in warmer weather. 看看你是否 有资格获得退税 可编程恒温器.
  • 安装 an attic ventilator to draw cool air up through the house which can provide as much comfort as an air conditioner at a much lower cost.
  • Improve your home’s efficiency with insulation and weatherization, which includes weather stripping. 
  • 安装 LED灯泡 在你的家里.
  • 考虑安装 节能电器

With these tips, you’ll have your house prepped and ready for summer before you know it. So, what are you waiting for? 让我们为夏天做好准备!
